
Showing posts from January, 2023

How to Choose the Right Plumbing Pipe?

  There are many types of plumbing pipes for residential or commercial buildings. Plumbing pipes such as PEX, copper, and PVC are commonly used, depending on their application and the location where they are installed. There are also some other types of plumbing pipes such as black, galvanized, and brass. Before you continue, also make sure that you use the right plumbing tools for the piping work that needs to be done! Let's look at the best application for the most commonly used plumbing pipes below. 1. Stainless Steel Pipes Stainless steel can look very nice, but it is very expensive. Stainless steel pipe is used in areas that are prone to corrosion and near coastal areas. This type of pipe is available in both flexible and rigid and requires some special fittings to be attached to other types of pipes. Do not confuse stainless steel pipes with galvanized pipes. It is available in various sizes and lengths. 2. Copper Pipes Copper pipes are probably the most traditional plumbing

Who Is Responsible for Plumbing Repairs in a Rental?

  This is a common question for both landlords and tenants. Plumbing work requires regular maintenance and repairs are often necessary in most homes. Many tenants believe that their landlord is required to take care of any plumbing needs that may arise during the rental period. However, this may not be the case under certain circumstances. In this article, we will explore the topic of plumbing responsibilities in a rental property. After reading this, you will have a better understanding of what each party should do about plumbing work. Who is Responsible for What? Every landlord must ensure that his rental unit remains habitable. This means that the property must meet electrical, heating, and water standards. There should also not be any structural issues that could endanger or lower the quality of life of the tenants. There are certainly basic housing rights. However, special laws vary between states and local governments. Therefore, you should always check local regulations when try

What Plumbing Work Can Be Done Without a License?

  Plumbing work is a complex trade that requires years of education, training, and professional experience. Everyone has a neighbor, uncle, or friend who swears that they can do all the things that a licensed plumber can do (and offer you a deal). While there are various repair jobs that an unlicensed layperson can tackle, you should be very careful when it comes to tinkering with the pipes that bring you the water you drink, bathe in, and use to cook. It is best to check the guidelines and permit regulations of your area, but here is a good rule of thumb: if you are not digging up concrete or messing with pipes larger than 5 feet, you are free to consider work without a permit. Additionally, you should either hire a recognized professional or become one. Dangers of Doing Plumbing Without License Unfortunately, there are many dangers associated with unlicensed plumbing work. For the health and safety of yourself and the loved ones and pets who share your home, it is best to be honest a

How Long Does It Take to Become a Plumber?

  Well, that depends. One can become a journeyman plumber by completing one or two years of apprenticeship and an additional 12-24 months of plumbing experience. To be eligible for a master plumber examination, it is a requirement to have 12-60 months of professional experience in plumbing work. In this article you'll find out what education is needed to become a plumber ! The duration varies by state. During plumbing training, individuals learn subjects such as safe use of tools and equipment, household piping, reading blueprints, welding, designing piping systems, and plumbing codes.  Most professions require hard work and dedication to studying. The plumbing industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and as such is no exception: education, experience, and professionalism are important for success in this field.  Determination is a characteristic of success in a career as a plumber. In order to have impeccable control of plumbing work and acquire the various skills associate

When Was Indoor Plumbing Invented?

In America, indoor plumbing systems were not common in most homes until after the mid-19th century, when cities developed efficient water and sewage systems. Nowadays, nearly every home in America has indoor plumbing. However, in the past, indoor water supply was a luxury reserved for royalty and the wealthy. In this article, we will present a brief history of plumbing . The Flushing Toilet King Minos of Crete owned the first flushing toilet. The flushing toilet had a wooden seat. Crete had an extensive water supply system at that time, more than 2800 years ago. The idea to create a flushing water closet resurfaced in 1594. Sir John Harrington created a water closet for his godmother, Queen Elizabeth I. He installed it in Richmond Palace and then created another unit in his house for use by his family. The queen never used the closet because she was afraid of the noises it would make. Sir Harrington was also ridiculed for the toilet and he never built another set. Two hundred years pas